Will Using a Chord Progression Formula Make Your Song Boring?

by Gary Ewer, from “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” website: Did you know that chord progressions are not protected by copyright? That’s mainly because, try as you might, you can’t find an original progression. And if you can, it probably stinks. 😉 Not because you can’t write good progressions, but the good ones have likely […]

Which Chords with Which Notes? Harmonizing a Melody

___________________________ I wish more songwriters would do the melody-first method. Coming up with the melody after endless strumming of chords can often result in a tune that is directionless and uninspiring. What probably scares writers off of writing a melody first is… how do you harmonize it? Getting a bit of understanding with regard to […]

Does My Song Need a Bridge?

by Gary Ewer, from “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” website: There are many components to successful songs, and not all songs use the same components. A bridge is a good way to extend your song, but how do you know if your song needs a bridge? A bridge usually sits either between a final verse […]

Recognizing When Your Melody Isn't Working

by Gary Ewer, from “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” website: If you don’t know why your melody isn’t working, don’t worry, it’s fixable. If you don’t know that your melody isn’t working, that’s a problem; you can’t fix a problem you don’t recognize. It’s really hard on a songwriting website like this to address good […]

Writing Good Songs – The Predictability Factor

by Gary Ewer, from “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” website: As as songwriter, you can be forgiven for fearing that your song is sounding pretty much like every other song out there. But on the other hand, predictability will sell more songs than innovation. What attracts a listener to a song? You’ve got it: the […]

Have You Tried Your Melody in the Opposite Mode?

by Gary Ewer, from “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” website: Like most songwriters, you’re probably looking for ways to look at melody construction. One aspect of melody-writing that we don’t think that much about is what it sounds like in the opposite mode. Here’s what I mean by that. Let’s say that your melody is […]