Music Festival

Making Long Term Plans For Your Songwriting Career

How far into the future do you think about your songwriting? Where do you want to be and what do you want to be doing in a year’s time? It’s definitely worth thinking about, because if you’ve got no specific plan, it means that anything that happens with your songwriting will come down to random […]

Guitar and Notepad - Songwriting schedule

A Deadline Is a Powerful Writer’s Block Antidote

Stuck trying to figure out what’s wrong with your song? This eBook will help you diagnose the problem: “Fix Your Songwriting Problems – NOW!” If you don’t have a specific day when the song you’re writing needs to be completed, you may not have a good reason for that song to be finished at all. […]

Guitar - Songwriter

Setting Yourself Up for Successful Songwriting

For some, songwriting is the kind of thing that happens “on the fly”, at least in the sense that you can come up with a great idea when you least expect it. But if for you, songwriting is always like that — where you write songs when ideas happen to pop into your brain, you’ll probably […]

Keyboard player - songwriter - chord inversions

Tips for Minimizing the Threat of Writer’s Block

Every songwriter struggles from time to time trying to get a song finished. It’s unavoidable because it’s the nature of the human brain’s ability to be creative. There are days when things flow easily, and other days when it seems all but impossible. Thousands of songwriters are using “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting 10-eBook Bundle” […]

Keyboardist - Songwriter

7 Ideas For Making Songwriting a Daily Activity

Any creative activity requires the brain to be generating new ideas spontaneously. As a songwriter, you know that there are days when that feels easy and natural, and other days when it feels impossible. There is debate over whether or not it’s good to force yourself to write, even on the days you don’t want […]

Songwriting frustration

Scheduling Breaks From Songwriting

If you’ve been a songwriter for a while, you’ve probably noticed that the times you don’t particularly feel like writing are predictable. I’m not necessarily talking about day-to-day here: everyone has the time of day when they feel most creative, and the times when they don’t. I’m more talking about larger time segments – monthly […]