Songwriting frustration - crumpled paper

The Best Way

Lyrics become all the more powerful when they’re properly paired with a good melody. That’s what Chapter 5 is all about in the eBook “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting.” Polish your songwriting technique with the 10-eBook Bundle and get “Use Your Words! Developing a Lyrics-First Songwriting Process” FREE. There are lots of ways to get better […]

Guitar and Piano - Creating a Melody and Bass Line

Five Quick Chord Progression Tips

One thing that brings a smile to my face is thinking about the fact that chord progressions work pretty much the same way today (in a pop song) as they did more than 300 years ago (in a Bach aria). If you’ve written a melody and you want to explore the many ways there are […]

Music Studio Sound Board

Coming Up With Ideas to Take You From Writing a Song to Recording It

Once your song is written and you’re ready to record it, you’ll hopefully still find opportunities to to make it even better. Most of the time, rehearsing your song with bandmates gives you that opportunity. For most good songs in the pop genres, getting a hook working properly is vital. “Hooks and Riffs: How They […]

Bob Dylan

Your Longevity as a Songwriter

If you’re a songwriter, do you look ahead in time and assume that there will come a point where you’ll simply stop writing? I’ve heard several songwriters talk about this recently, and to be honest, it surprises me a bit. “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting 10-eBook Bundle” comes with an excellent Study Guide that’s meant […]

The Chieftains

It Doesn’t Take Much

Every once in a while I write a blog post that refers to the importance of repetition in music, and how song melodies without repetition are problematic because they’re hard to remember. We already know the power and need for repetition in music when it comes to basic elements like the backing rhythms. Most songs […]

John Legend

The Benefit of Leaving Lyrics to the Last Step

It’s a good idea to come up with a song topic and perhaps a few snippets of lyric fairly early in the songwriting process. Having the topic gives you a direction for your musical mind, and every line of lyric you generate adds to your song’s character. Thousands of songwriters are using “The Essential Secrets […]