Songwriting Principle No. 5: Making Sense of Harmonic Rhythm

Setting up your song’s groove is not possible without considering harmonic rhythm. The harmonic rhythm of your song is, in short, how often the chords change. And for the best songs, this rate of change needs to be a constant factor most of the time. It’s what Songwriting Principle No. 5 is all about: There […]

Beatles Bootleg Recording Up For Auction

According to the CBC, a bootleg recording of the Beatles final concert in Canada goes up for auction on the online auction site eBay on Saturday, August 30. The concert took place on August 17, 1966 at Maple Leaf Gardens in Toronto. The taped recording contains over two hours of music, including Nowhere Man and […]

Tips for Making Your Melody and Lyrics Work Together

A good melody can help your lyrics really pop and come to life. And it’s really important to remember that all aspects of a song work together, not separately. So a lyric is only great in a song if the melody and chords are working together to make it great. I call melody, lyrics and chords the […]

How to Find the Chords that Belong to a Key

Written by Gary Ewer, Senior Instructor, Dalhousie University, from “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” website. • Follow Gary on Twitter • Good songs sell! Check out “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” 6 e-book bundle – available now at a 50% savings! ________________________________ For a lot of songwriters, finding the chords that fit with a given key causes a mass […]

Songwriters, Stop Using the (*yawn*) Same Old Formula

From “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” website:   Have you ever noticed that even though The Beatles had dozens of hits, none of those hits seemed to rely on the same old formula. Each song sounds unique. From ‘She Loves You’, to ‘Penny Lane’, to ‘I am the Walrus’ to ‘The Long and Winding Road,’ […]

What Key Should My Song Be In?

From “The Essential Secrets of Songwriting” website: The key you choose for your song depends on several factors. Of course, the most important consideration is the range of your voice; that’s obvious. But beyond that, there are other factors to keep in mind. Singers use the term tessitura to refer to the basic range of […]